Thursday, January 5, 2012

Nothing Much

Today has been a very low key, lazy sort of day. Other than clearing out some shows on my dvr, laundry and spending way too much time online, I have done, exactly, NOTHING:). And I'm okay with that.

Before the Holidays I cleaned out the garage, the playroom, all of the closets and our storage room. Talk about some BIG jobs!! We got rid of a crazy amount of trash and our sale/donation pile grew by leaps and bounds. Andy and the kids were home for almost 2 weeks over Christmas break. I LOVED having them home...but it wasn't exactly peaceful! They all went back to work and school on Tuesday. You know what they left me with? A humongous mess that's what!! I spent all day Tuesday and Wednesday deep cleaning. I also took down all of our Christmas decorations. Again, 2 very big jobs.

I figure that today I deserved to sit around and do nothing for awhile. To enjoy the silence.  My goal was to plan out our menu for this coming week and to update our family calendar. I didn't do either. There's still a few hours left in the day right? I might get around to it:). What I really want to get around to is a nap. I am seriously contemplating one but I don't think there's enough time to fit one in before I need to go pick kids up. Maybe after they get home I'll sneak in a quick cat nap like my grandma used to do.

On the agenda for tonight is to work on fulfilling some of my goals for this year. I'm gonna kill two birds with one stone. Well, not really!! I like birds:)  I would never actually kill one. But you get what I'm saying.  I'm going to fulfill 2 goals with one task. Bake something from Pinterest for Andy's team at work. These are supposed to be two separate goals each week but I'm just gonna smoosh them together this week. It was a short week after all.

I'm hoping that the kids have minimal homework tonight. There is nowhere that we HAVE to be for once!! I would really like to just enjoy the evening with my clan. Last night I put them to work. They weren't very happy with me. I don't really care that they weren't happy, their chores needed to get done, but I guess it would be a good idea to earn back some cool mom points.

I think I'm gonna go try and sneak in a short nap after all!


secret sister said...'s almost like you were "watching" me for the past 48 minutes! I was on the sofa, sunshining down on me through 2 windows and I was taking that "cat nap" that you are talking about! What a refreshing time that was!! I am up now; working on my ebay; writing out my menus and reading my blogs. I hope you get that nap that you so well deserve!! It sounds like you very well deserve that moment of pleasure! Enjoy!! Mom