Wednesday, January 18, 2012

3 Down...49 To Go :)

I finished my 3rd book in record time!! It was so hard to put down. One of those books where you will stay up all night long reading just to find out what happens next. The book is called "Dani's Story" a journey from neglect to love, written by Bernie and Diane Lierow and Kay West.

This was a really really beautiful story!! I guess this case made national headlines and even earned the family a guest spot on Oprah. I must have been living under a rock when all this happened because I don't remember it at all. Of course I don't watch Oprah so that may explain it:) Andy saw the book at the library and thought I might enjoy it so he went ahead and brought it home. He must know me pretty well because it definitely is a book I would have picked for myself. It's basically about a family that decided to adopt and a little girl that was neglected so horribly that my brain, and more so my heart I guess, just can't comprehend it. Against all odds, and advice from the professionals, their worlds collided and came out the other side a family. They took the little girl that was un-adoptable, that no one wanted, loved her and made her their very own daughter.Everyone won at the end of this book. 

Isn't this exactly what Jesus does for us? Takes us in even though we are broken. Accepts us as His own despite our imperfect states? That right there is the definition of love. 

I was left with a sick feeling towards the CPS workers that LEFT Dani in unimaginable conditions not just once...but twice:(  If Dani had been removed from her home the 1st time CPS was made aware of her, then maybe she wouldn't suffer with profound special needs  today. Maybe her life would have been better. But at the same time...maybe if that were the case, then the Lierow's never would've found her? 

I also learned a bit about the way our brains work and just how critically important it is that we engage babies and young children. Some of this I already knew, synapses and all that, but Dani's story showed me exactly what happens when a child doesn't get to flourish in a loving environment. 

I was left wondering how Dani is faring today and hoping for some sort of update from her family. I doubt that will be coming anytime soon though as her family seems somewhat private. 

My kids are all back in school today after a 5 day break. It was a rough morning:) Everyone got where they were supposed to be though so I'm counting it as a success. Maia has basketball practice tonight so it'll be an evening of running around. After that I predict an early bed time for all of us:)   


secret sister said...

Sounds like a good book. Andy is a good "picker-outer" on books! And before I forget; please order me 6 boxes of the mint GS cookies. Let me know when you need the money and I will send it to you. Did Asher get his birthday card? I mailed it wayyyy long ago but keep forgetting to ask you. I've been enjoying your blog; keep up the good work! Love, Mom