Thursday, July 28, 2011

Legos and E-mails Oh My!!

So Isaac has been begging for an e-mail addy for quite awhile now. Among other things. He also desperately wants a cell phone and a Facebook account. He's not getting a Facebook or his own cell just yet. But I did finally give in on the e-mail.

More and more of his extracurricular stuff is coming to me through e-mails. Baseball schedules and scout info. I'm sure once school starts he will probably need a way to communicate with teachers. It'll be different than elementary school and me communicating with one single teacher. He'll be more responsible for his own stuff and he'll have multiple teachers to deal with. So I opened him an e-mail account. One that I have complete access to of course:)

You know what? It's been FUN!! As much as I was dreading him moving into the big bad world of social media, this e-mail thing has, so far, been a good thing. We have been sending messages back and forth to each other for 2 days now. It's like we can *talk* without interruption...which never seems to happen in this house!! We've shared silly thoughts, endearments and even touched on some more serious topics. I'm seeing a picture into the future of him not wanting to say some things directly to my face. You know--embarrassing teenagey things--but him being much more comfortable typing those things out and hitting the send button.

We already do something sort of like that now. All 3 kids have special *mommy and me* notebooks that we write in and pass back and forth to each other. It's fun!! But sometimes the notbooks get misplaced. Or we think "oh...I have something I want to write...I'll do it later". But we never get back to it and the thought or moment is gone. The computer is easy. Especially with Isaac. He spends more and more of his time on the computer. And honestly? I spend more time than I should online. Which makes it especially easy to just open a new tab and send a quick note:) Perfect!

We're keeping Maia and Asher's notebooks because it works for us. But this new e-mail set up is going to work better for Isaac so I'm gonna go with it:)

So since this whole post has mostly been about Isaac I'm gonna share what has been making him roar with laughter lately. And I mean really roar:) He has been really into stop motion with his Lego's for awhile now. He's made a few videos and he's working really hard to get his timing down just right. While researching he found these videos:

Talk about silliness!! Hearing Asher laugh while he's watching them just makes my whole day!! I sat down this afternoon with all 3 kids and we watched most of the other lego videos made by this same guy. It was a wonderful day!!


secret sister said...

How nice for Issac...such a wonderful new step in his life! I can only imagine how excited he is! everyone all ready for school? It is fast approaching, isn't it? I can't believe this is Aug. 2 already. Let us know how your grandma is you all..Mom