Thursday, July 7, 2011

I am back!!

I swear I haven't abandoned this blog:) Things have just been super, crazy busy around here. Plus we had no internet for awhile. Quite awhile. I'm going to try and keep this quick and simple. I will go into more detail and add pictures when I have a few more minutes.

We are officially moved. Out of all of our moves this one has been the hardest. Which is ridiculous considering we only moved down the street as opposed to hours or even states away like some of our previous moves. It's true though. Trying to close up the other house and get our new one situated with 3 kids constantly in tow=not an easy task:) It didn't help that the property manager of the old house was pushing us out early. And when I say pushing I really mean shoving. He was calling every few hours wanting to do the final walk through. The new tenants were moving in within a half hour of us turning over the keys. Guess that is why he wanted us out so quickly. Personally, I would have requested the carpets cleaned and the walls painted. Especially since they raised the rent. It sounds to me though like the new tenants just needed in as quickly as possible. Maybe avoiding another month's rent at their old residence? The property manager did call us the next day and thank us for the house being so clean and for our cooperation. 

So now we are trying to unpack mountains and mountains of boxes at our new home. Who knew we had soooo much stuff?!?!?!?!?! It's completely ridiculous. Overwhelming is a word I have used a lot. It's like a neverending task. I don't think it has ever taken me quite so long to unpack a house as it is taking here. To be fair though, I did have Girl Scout Daycamp for an entire week and there was no way I could have gotten a thing done other than camp and some laundry that whole week. Daycamp was long and exhausting. But sooooo much fun!!! We were up and out the door at 7am and didn't get home until after 4pm each day. It was miles outside my comfort zone being that I had to drive 270 to get there and back home again. The drive mostly went smooth except for the day I got lost coming home:( That day was really really bad. Being lost in rush hour traffic is like my worst nightmare. The rest of the week went very smoothly though:) We hiked, swam, creeked, shot a bow and did all sorts of other outdoorsy things. I am so not an outdoorsy girl...but you know I'll sign up to do it again next year:) I did really like the 11 girls that were in my group. And the most important thing? Maia loved that I was there:) She probably loved that I was goofy looking in my swap laden hat as well!!

We have officially determined that AT&T is even worse than we thought they were to begin with. They delayed us getting cable/internet in our new home by 2 weeks. They kept promising us an installation time and then calling us after hours to tell us they wouldn't be able to honor the time they promised us. I know they called after hours just so we wouldn't be able to get a real, live person on the phone to explain why they were jerking us around:(  I did learn a bit of useful info for Time Warner throughout all of this though. If you tell them you won't be using them because of their high prices someone from their outbound sales department will call you incessantly and offer you amazing deals:) In the end we went with WOW because they were able to hook us up in the most timely manner...which we needed...because living without internet, is nearly impossible in this household:)

Add in baseball games, lots and lots of laundry, time spent at the pool, furniture shopping and a few 4th of July festivities and you have my past several weeks:) Yep...very busy! I did get my upstairs completely unpacked. I am planning on working my way down. Today I am hoping to complete the main level and then tomorrow diving into the lower level and hopefully the basement area Wish me luck. We all need some semblance of order in our lives at this point:)


Anonymous said...

glad you are back! i got tired just reading what you have been up to in the last few weeks!! whew! sounds like you all have had an exciting couple of weeks! can't wait to see your new home and decorating.. yeahhhhhhhhhhhh!
camp sounds like a great time! where was it?
well, chicka, hopeful to see you soon :)
loveya, sue

secret sister said...

I'm so glad that Maia (and you) enjoyed camp; sounds like alot of fun. The photos you posted on FB are very nice...looks like you had alot of sweet little girls.

Just think; school will be starting in 4 or 5 weeks. Maybe you will be able to catch your breath for a few minutes...thanks for your updated blog. I enjoy reading it! Love ya all...Mom