Saturday, June 18, 2011

And Now It Really Feels Like We Are Homeowners Again:)

It has been so nice calling our property manager if absolutely anything goes wrong with our rental these past 3 years. I liked that aspect of renting:) And I admit it was really easy to get used to. Since we have been here the water heater, stove, dishwasher and fridge have all broken. All it took from us was a simple phone call and these big ticket items were replaced within days. We've also had many leaks and smaller things need fixed--again, all it took was an easy peasy phone call and all was right again.

We owned our Dover house for 12 years so I did know what responsibility was in store for us in this new house. I just didn't expect problems to arise quite this soon:)

The old owners were so kind as to leave us an extra fridge in the garage. The only problem is that we DON'T want that extra fridge. It has got to be the nastiest fridge I have ever seen. It doesn't look like it's been cleaned in over 30 years. We told these people that we didn't want their disgusting fridge and to take it out before closing...but it's still there:( Now we have to figure out what to do with it.

We also have to figure out what to do with all of the cans of paint that they left behind. Usually I'm all about paint!! I love me some color:) But this paint is all completely dried out. I have 20 cans of useless paint that I don't *think* I'm supposed to throw out with the regular trash. I need to look into that as soon as I get a free minute. Google is my friend.

Andy is trying to change the locks out and they are giving him a really hard time!!  We are nervous having our stuff over there as it is. No way are we going to be spending any nights in that house until those locks are changed. You never know who might have a key. Our realtor seems to think that our house was possibly even a rental in the not so distant past. There could be keys to our house floating all over the city. Wish I could call the property manager to come and fix this!!

And then another biggie. The house has a water filter system that feeds into a tiny faucet attached to the sink. It was unplugged when we went through the house. We asked them to hook it back up as part of our report to remedy conditions. And they did hook it back up. I think we figured out exactly why it was *un*hooked up in the first place:( Isaac treid to use it and it ended up flooding the kitchen.'s unhooked again!! So now we've got to add this to our ever growing list of things to figure out/do:) Fun stuff right here!!

I'm still glad we are homeowners again though:) Even though I may miss having a built in fix it man:)


secret sister said...

Ohhhhhh....some of those problems don't sound too good. I think you have to dispose of paint a certain way, like, taking it to a special dump site; and your frig; you will probably have to find a scrap person to come and get your frig. It's a shame you can't come back on the previous owners and have them fix that water problem; they hid that on purpose!! Also, your realtor should check into that.

It's still nice that you are now owners; you can still decorate; paint, etc. without getting permission from anyone. Once you get these other problems fixed and ironed out, I think you are going to be very happy! Keep us posted! and ....let us see your painted diningroom set; also more pictures of you all! Love ya...Mom

secret sister said...

I forgot to add: Be sure and get those locks changed quickly! As you mentioned, you don't know how many keys to your home is floating around!!

maila said...

Thanks mom!! We are not spending one single night in that house until the locks are changed. Who knows how many people have keys to our house:( We figure the neighbors probably even have a set. We have moved a bunch of stuff over but nothing personal yet. We've been very careful that nothing with account numbers and such are in that house...just in case. You just never know and you can't be too careful.

I thought for sure the paint had to be disposed of a certain way:( Oh well. Our realtor thinks we should list the fridge as free on craigslist and then stick it on the curb. He said he thinks it'll be snatched up really quickly. It still works, but man is it disgusting (insert pukey smiley here). It's a Magic Chef brand:)

I will definitely post pics soon. My table is a work in progress. I put the paint on a bit thick and it got a few bubbles. I love the color though!! Hopefully I can get the kinks all worked out quickly:) It doesn't help that it's really really humid here. In fact, it's thunderstorming again right now:)Blah!! Painting and humidity don't really mix:)

secret sister said...

is the paint latex? if so, you may dispose of it with local trash.. oil base you have to find a hazardous dump site.. the fridge..i agree with mom, stick it on the curb and let some scrap guy take it .. there is copper in the back and someone will jump on that one..
the water it a company bought faucet, ex: culligan? if so, you can call them out to replace the filter and fix problems quite easily..we bought one last year..
the keys..yikes!!! i am praying for andy to get those locks changed asap.. that would put me on edge quick..
i can't wait to see pics.. so excited for you guys :)

secret sister said...

Just a thought...IF you put the frig outside (curb, etc.) be sure to take the door off or put those wide staps around the frig...a safety measure so little kids can't get in, play hide and seek and lock themselves in it. You most likely already know all that motherly stuff...LOL Mom