Monday, June 13, 2011

First Dinner in our New Home

This has been a pretty busy weekend for us. Lots of baseball games to make up AND moving boxes to transfer over to the new house. Our plan is to move a few boxes, and whatever else will fit into our van, throughout the week. We are trying to unpack as we go. Hopefully we can get a lot of stuff done this week, so that when it's time to move furniture, all we will have to do is set it up:) Of course things always work out way better in my head than they do in real life!! I also envision getting some painting done and the bedroom carpets scrubbed:)

So our unpacking efforts coincided with one of Isaac's ball games. Since we were running super low on time we decided to order, what else other than pizza of course, to be delivered to the new house before the game.

Like our new dining room table and chairs? We got a great deal at Home Depot!!

So there ya have it. Our first meal in our new home was an old stand by:)

 See all those boxes behind the kids? They are FILLED with old VHS tapes and books that no one in their right mind could possibly want. Andy kindly moved ALL that crap over. After I specifically told him that I wanted him to GET RID of stuff that he will never use again. I told him the same exact thing before we moved to Dublin in the first place. He didn't listen then and he's not going to listen now either I guess. The thing is, is that he just keeps moving the same old boxes from place to place but he really has no INTENTION of ever using anything inside those boxes again. I don't think he has even so much as peeked inside those boxes in over 3 years.  I don't know if he forgets that we have zero storage space or what. Over the last couple of years those specific boxes have become my nemesis!

Andy met one set of our new neighbors last night. He said that they seemed very nice. I guess the husband has done a lot of the remodeling work on our house so he knows it pretty well. That's always a good thing in case we ever have any questions. The best thing Andy found out though, is that the BMW that has been parked in their driveway, right behind our basketball hoop, is not their's:) Which means that it will only be parked there for a short period of time. Thus allowing Maia to actually use the basketball hoop without fear of ruining a very expensive car!! We basically told her that as long as that car sat there she could forget about even looking at that hoop...let alone ever actually tossing a ball in it's general direction!

More good news is that we spied, with our stinky eye as Asher would say, a lot of families walking down our street. It looked like they were all enjoying the nice weather!! Looks like even though the neighbors on either side of us are older, there are lots of families in close proximity. I'm hoping Maia finds a friend close by.

Must get back to work now:) I will be back later to share the color Maia picked out for her bedroom!! 


Tracy @ Hall of Fame Moms said...

Well, I've heard of an 'evil eye' but the 'stinky eye' might be a first. lol

Anonymous said...

i believe that pizza is the 'moving in' dinner of choice!! i think we ate carry out for 2 wks.. when we moved..haha.. i know, i could of made a run for mother of the year!
i didn't realize that the carpets were!! good luck with that.. hahaha.. you might want to have a garage sale with all the VHS tapes and use that for a carpet cleaner..or runners for high track areas..
i am so in love with your new dining table.. i must have it! its ingenious..but, really, i love the back splash in your kitchen.. very it and all the white cupboards.
sounds like you have a great neighborhood.. can't wait to hear that you are the family walking up and down the street, saying hi! to all your new friends!
loveya, sue

secret sister said...

Your dinette set is so "cool"...and your first dinner looks delicious! Is it Grandata's (or however you spell it)? I say "praise the Lord" for the invention of pizza and for delivery service. I know you all are very anxious to get moved in and settled! Thanks for the pics..I love looking at ya...Mom

maila said...

Tracy- We play I Spy ALL the time. Most people say "I spy with my little eye". Asher has just always said "I Spy with my stinky eye" instead. LOL. I have no idea where he got it but it always manages to crack me up:)

Sue--We have been eating a lot of take out lately!! That or peanut butter:) Poor kids are probably dying for a decent meal!! And yes...ALL the carpet is white. Except for the bedrooms where they didn't replace the carpet. And those carpets are kinda gross:( 3 kids, a husband and 2 black dogs are not gonna bode well for all that brand new white carpeting. Oh how I long for hardwood!! And I kitchen is cute!! I am loving the blue and white. Just need tp pick some accent colors now:)

I'm glad you like our dinette set Mom!! It took us awhile to find just the perfect one ya know? Sadly, there is no Granato's pizza here:( Or Zifer's:( That was some gourmet Domino's that we ate that night. Actually I didn't eat it because I'm really not a fan. But Andy the kids chowed it down:)The only pizza that I really love here is super expensive so I usually just make our own from scratch every Friday:)