Thursday, June 9, 2011

Getting So Close!!

Services and utilites switched over into our name--CHECK

Final walk through scheduled-- CHECK

Closing time confirmed--CHECK

We are getting SO close to being homeowners again!!

Some things on my mind:

How in the world will we handle 2 dogs and NO FENCE!! I LOVE our current yard. Part of what makes it so great is that enormous fence that surrounds it:) So nice for kids and dogs alike. Keeps my family in and keeps creepy strangers out. Must start saving for a fence asap:)

Speaking of dogs...they are going to wreak havoc on all of that WHITE carpeting aren't they?

What if our new neighbors are awful? What if they hate us? What if the neighbor kids are total heathens? These questions keep me up at night:) Our current neighbors are mostly good. Or they used to be mostly good. They've gotten kind of strange lately. Cursing loudly at each other in the driveway...yeah, not gonna miss that!

What colors should I paint?!?! I LOVE color:) Should Maia's room be more blue or more green? That orange? must GO:) And quickly!! The boy's room...Gray or latte? The first level was JUST painted but I would LOVE to see some bluish gray on those walls. Hmmm...wonder if I could talk Andy into doing some unnecessary painting?

We need not one, but two new sets of furniture. Plus a couple of chairs for the nooks and bedrooms. An extra dresser to make up for lack of closet space. A new dryer is a must as ours is almost dead. Our tv is on it's way out as well:( I would LOVE some ottomans and sidetables and a small buffet:) oohhh...and towels. Both bath and kitchen!! Ours are very old and would be better used as rags at this point:) And Fiestaware in bright colors. Oh how I want some Fiestaware. I may need to get a job to support all of my decorating fantasies!!

Should we go with a theme shower curtain or just stick with dots or stripes?!?! That submarine curtain at target was pretty cute. So were those trees...and the owls...oh how I love owls!! Isaac would probably revolt though. And who is really going to see that bathroom anyways as I NOW have a powder room for guests!! That's right. We're moving up in the world:)

I can't wait to say good bye to mauve countertops and pearl pink walls. Blech!! So not my thing. And all the 80's vinyl tile...hasta la vista to you too baby!!

I wonder if the current owners are going to take the rest of their stuff out? I really don't want that bizzare chair nor the ugly lamps. But I would happily toss them if it means I get to keep the table, mower, extra fridge and gardening tools...

Will I like cooking on a flat top? Wonder if I need special cookware to use my new stove?!?! I must google that. Does my fridge have a water dispenser tucked inside? What about ice? I hope it makes ice.
I really should stop thinking and start packing. Because if I don't pack, none of the things I'm thinking about will mean a darn thing anyways:) The boxes are calling my name!


secret sister said...

You sound like you are getting excited??? and your mind is racing 100 MPH...LOL You haven't gotten back with me in regards to men muscle; time is running out! This next weekend is Father's Day. Let me know if I should check out some manly help for you. Now....hopefully this comment will reach you. IF it does, it will probably be in Sapphire's name again. I don't know why that happens! Love ya....Mom

maila said...

My mind ALWAYS races 100mph:) I'm either on or off...there is no in between:) I didn't realize it was Father's day!! Oops. I think we will be fine. I'm not exactly sure what our plans are yet but we will figure it out:) I definitely don't want to take any men away from their family on Father's Day:)