Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Starting Over!!

So much of our past 3 years have been about starting over. Much of it has been sad. But as time has gone on a lot of the change has been really great. One of my friends from Dover was moving at the exact same time we were. She was telling me that she was excited about her move because she had a theory that she wanted to test out. Her theory was that it takes 4 years for a new community to feel like home. That really stuck with me because at the time, I was positive that NO community, except T-county, would ever feel like home.

So here I am, 3 years later, happy to report that I do indeed feel like I am at home in my new community!! That awesome revelation came to me when we were house hunting this past Spring. We looked into several communities, but when it came right down to it? I couldn't leave where we currently are...because it FEELS like home!! We have friends and activities that I wouldn't change for the world!! We have a great pediatrician and dentist. My kids are all about their sports teams!! We have a daily routine that we are all really happy with. It was a long hard road to get here and there was no way that I was going to start over from scratch again:) And besides, they just built a brand new Chik-fil-A almost on my front doorstep!! Who could leave that?!?!

So exactly 3 years after our first big move, I am sitting in the middle of stacks and stacks of boxes again!! This move is nowhere near as hard as that first move was. Moving is always lots of work but there is no house to sell and no heartwrenching good-bye's this time around. Just lots and lots of packing.

 I will admit that I had a rough couple of weeks after we went into contract on our soon to be new home. Notice I said "home" and not house:). Finally!! So back to my story, I had panic attacks and crying jags to rival any drama queen's worst meltdowns!! My poor husband:) Anyway, the purchase of our home here cemented the fact that we aren't going back to Dover and that was a hard realization for me to come to. I guess maybe somewhere in the back of my mind I thought there could be a possibility that we may end up back there again? Then one of my new friends made a simple, small gesture that changed my whole outlook. Isaac had lost his official Boy Scout uniform's neck thing-a-ma-jig!! Like my official terms? My friend had made a post on FB about how her son lost his and I commented that ours was gone as well. That night Isaac had Boy Scouts. He came home with a new neck thing-a-ma-jig that our friend had given him. Seriously, that small gesture turned my whole thought process upside right!!

I didn't say upside down because my thought process has been upside down since we moved. I kept thinking of all that we lost instead of focusing on what we have gained. And really? We haven't lost anything. Our family is still there for us. Our best friends are still, and always will be, our best friends!!  I talk to my bff several times a day:) I may miss our Church but God is still. right. here. with. us!! And I can always go back and visit:) And we DO go back and visit. We make trips home to get good pizza and stop by all of our old haunts. It's fun and brings back so many memories. But we are still making wonderful new memories here!! In this place where God has placed us:)

So I am starting over. New outlook, new home, new blog and new schools for the kids!! Lots of new in our future. But it's all exciting!! I'm looking forward to sharing it all with you:) Even though it's all very mundane and ordinary...I feel like I have a lot of extraordinary things to share!! So grab some coffee and welcome to my new home!!

A side note...I realize that I have started and then abandoned several blogs since I lost access to my original blog. I miss blogging immensely. I am much happier when I can get my thoughts onto virtual paper. I miss journaling all the great things that my kids say and do. I have so many decorating ideas that I can't wait to dig into!! I plan on sticking with this blog :) Keep checking back because there are sure to be updates!! And if there aren't? Call me out on it:)


sue said...

its good to read your thoughts again!!! welcome back.. and don't think i won't call you out on it.. i missed seeing your updates and the children's accomplisments.. since we don't get to see you guys on a regular basis..this allows us to catch up..
i'm so excited for you guys and your new home! :)
loveya, sue

maila said...

Thank you Sue!! I'm getting pretty excited too:) Can't wait to show visitors around!!

I think I got so used to putting everything on FB and that's why it was so easy to just abandon my previous blogs:( Soooo...I'm gonna try and post our stuff here first.

Love ya right back:)!!

secret sister said...

Well, I will try this will be fun following you on your new blog; be sure to post alot of photo. AND..if you miss much time in posting on this blog, I will ask you "what happened?" ya all..Mom

maila said...

Thanks mom!! I will probably ned a little push now and then:) I definitely want to keep up with it though because the kids and I like to look back at everything we've done. I miss my old "because i said so" blog:(