Saturday, June 11, 2011

We Are Officially Homeowners Again

After a long, stressful month...we are finally done:) We went to the title office and signed a million and one papers. Well, Andy signed a million and one papers...I signed like 2 papers:) And the deed is now officially in our name!! It's not my dream house. I worry about the size or lack thereof of the bedrooms.  And the neighborhood? Not my first choice. Don't get me wrong, it seems like a good neighborhood. It's hopefully a great neighborhood!! It's just not the one I was envisioning:)

But it's ours!! And I am soo excited and thankful about that. The truth is that even though we THINK we know what we need...God really DOES know what we need. And right this time in our life...this is the house that we need:) God ALWAYS gives us what we need. Maybe not what we want. But definitely what we need:)

So after we got the keys we were able to go explore our new home all on our own!! Exciting right?!?! We thought so:) When we walked in the door for the first time after signing all the felt just like coming HOME!! After 3 years of feeling like we're in some odd transition phase...we are FINALLY home:)

The only downside was not having our friends and family to share that special moment with. When we bought our 1st house it was so much fun showing it off right away!! Hopefully we end up getting some visitors soon:) 


secret sister said...

I bet you are finally feeling "at home"!! You can decorate, do whatever YOU want to do without asking your "landlord". Are the kids excited? Do you think they will like their new home? Perhaps you will be able to get your yard fenced in before too long. Whenever you are ready for family, friends and visitors let me know. I know we are always welcomed, but I don't want to barge in too soon. Did Andy get the message that Dad called him on his birthday? He never called dad back, so I didn't know if he had checked his cell phone or not. Well, post us some pictures as you ya, Mom

maila said...

The kids are so SUPER excited!!! None of us are really attached to our current house. There are things we will miss, but as a whole, we are all ready to move on:)

I'm sure Andy did check his phone. I told him the message was on there. He's really not a very good phone person:( He doesn't like to call people or actually even talk on the phone. I always think he sounds rude on the phone:)

Anonymous said...

congrats!!! i too, can't wait to see you transform this house into your home!!
i wrote a gazillion words on a previous msg..and my post wasn't there.. :(... hope this one takes.
i remember all the paper , lines after lines of little yellow flags, that shaun had to sign! hahaa.. i think i signed about 4.
but the feeling was a mixture of relief, wonder, anxiety, joy, and fear.. being that this was the one and only time we had ever bought a house..! haha..
wish that we could of been there for the first day with the keys..planning our trip to visit..yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!

maila said...

I'm feeling ALL THOSE things Sue:) It's just such a big purchase that it brings about a huge mix of emotions!

Can't wait until you can come and visit!!