Wednesday, June 15, 2011

And the week goes on and on...

I am so worn out. It is hard enough just keeping up with our regular Summer baseball schedule. Add in VBS and a big move and it all equals up to utter exhaustion:)

Yesterday we moved a ton of stuff to the new house. Too much stuff really. I was very adamant that I didn't want to move stuff that we were never going to use again. You know, the stuff that should really be purged!! Turns out Andy got antsy--which I KNEW  would happen--and started just throwing crap in boxes and transferring it all over to the new house:)No rhyme or reason. Not organized in any way.  Oh well...I'll have to just purge once I start unpacking over there I guess. My plan was to only take the things we wanted and to unpack AS we moved boxes in. You know,  so that it wouldn't all get completely overwhelming for me? Because you KNOW I'm gonna be unpacking those boxes on my own:) I wanted to have the majority unpacked and THEN move in and set up furniture. Sounded easy peasy!! Best laid plans and all that I guess:) Such is life!

I still haven't gotten Maia's new room painted. Or the bedroom carpets scrubbed. Or the dining room table and chairs or Maia's bedroom set painted either. Time is closing in on me:) My goal was to get these things done before we actually moved in but I doubt that's going to happen. I always seem to have the very best intentions but actually being able to follow through most of the time is difficult:)

The kids have VBS this week. Their theme is "In It to Win It". Our church is very missions based. We have a strong connection with Lifeline Christian Mission, therefore, a lot of our missions tie in with them. The older kids at VBS are making pillowcase dresses to send to the Christian children's home of Ohio. They are also having a car wash and making/selling pizzas in addition to asking for specific items to be donated. Somehow I have a hard time picturing Isaac sewing, but he did proudly show me the yellow dress he had made yesterday:) I'm not quite sure how much of it he actually sewed:)

And, this has nothing to do with VBS but with Lifeline instead. Maia was involved in Upward basketball last Winter. At the end of the season they have a big mission with the goal to buy bricks for houses to be built in Haiti. The church has been doing this for quite awhile now. It's interesting to me that ALL of the house that Lifeline has built in Haiti, are STILL STANDING, even after Haiti's devastating earthquake. Most of the buildings around them are complete rubble, but the "houses that God built" are still there:) Awesome right?!?!?! I think so:)

So, I have to get our rental house spotless by this evening. That's my big goal for today. Get this house clean and ready to be shown. Our property manager is bringing a potential renter through later tonight. I am NO WHERE near ready:) I thought I would be able to work diligently on this task while the kids were at VBS this morning. You know, so I could focus without interruptions. Only Asher foiled that plan:) The poor guy is having some nasty reactions to the new carpet in the new house:( I can totally feel his pain because I'm having the same reactions:( I knew he was feeling really yucky when he told me needed to stay home from VBS. He LOVES VBS. That kid wouldn't miss it unless he was truly feeling awful. So my morning of no interruptions? Didn't happen. Asher is my most interruptiest kid:) Like my new word? But yeah, he is by far my neediest child:) So instead of cleaning, I have been hanging with him. Which has been kind of nice:) Until I start thinking about my looming deadline of course!! The I get quite panicky:) It always works out in the end though so I'm really not THAT worried.

In other news Isaac had a ball game last night. I wasn't supposed to be able to go because it was Maia's piano night but her teacher called last minute to tell us she couldn't come. I guess her husband was in the emergency room:( She sounded tired and teary and I'm honestly worried for them:(  I did get to go to Isaac's game though and I'm so glad about that:) Our team seems to have an every other game pattern. Win one, lose on, rinse, lather, repeat. Last night was our turn to lose:) The game started out awful. The other team scored many many runs in the first inning!! Things were looking bad and Isaac was very discouraged. I had a pep talk with him and we talked about being a good sport and a good team player. His team, even though they lost, ended up playing a GREAT game!! Those boys rallied and made a comeback:) We got to witness some amazing plays. One poor player, in the outfield, caught a pop up with his BARE hand!! Ouch:) Another boy literally ate the dirt during a slide!! And Isaac? He made an amazing play at 3rd base. Plus he had a nice hit where he made it to 1st. Then he stole not just 2nd base, but 3rd base and home as well!! All on his own:)And his slides were AMAZING. Isaac has always been a slider though:) Probably why we are already on his 2nd pair of baseball pants this season! It was definitely a fun game!! And so exciting!! We only lost because one of our poor players decided to steal 2nd. It was not a good choice:( He was tagged out and that ended our inning. I feel so bad for that poor boy because he felt AWFUL. He was so angry at himself. Our coaches and the other boys really tried to lift him up though. It was a GREAT lesson in sportsmanship:)

I should probably go work now!!


secret sister said...

sit back and breathe!!! instead of putting maia's bed together..throw her mattress on the floor and keep the frame in the garage.. paint it then.. she will think its a campout thing.. that's what we wound up doing.. they loved seemed like all i did was paint for the first 2 mos. we were here..
it will be okay.. just set a list of all you need to do.. and as you complete the list, cross them off.. therefore, giving you a sense of accomplishment.. it won't all get done in a few days, but set a goal to cross off one thing every week.. then if you get more crossed off, you will feel soooooo much better..
you put wayyyyyyyyyyyyy to much pressure on yourself, girl!
is it the formadilhide(phonics!! hahaha)in the carpet?? here come the new wood floors!! hahaha :)
all the 'stuff' that andy wanted to 'not part with' can you secretly place it in the garage off to the side.. and slowly get rid of it? haha.. or better yet, YARD SALE!! nothing like meeting your neighbors with a good yard sale!
sounds like isaac has a great team and coaches.. hope the next one will be logged in the win column.. and that maia's teacher's husband is doing better.. praying for them..
run the sweeper and clean the bathrooms.. at the old place and i am sure it will look great! maybe asher can run the vacuum while you are scrubbing..haha..or i could send the boys! LOL
try to have a great day! loveya, sue

secret sister said...

Whew....sounds like a busy, busy day/days and schedules. Here is how I get rid of Pat's stuff and he, to this day, hasn't missed any of it: When he goes on house calls, etc, I hurriedly throw 4 things away; not too much at one time. Then, the next time he leaves, I grab 4 more things, whether it be: books, DVDs; antiques (jumk) etc. Try it; 4 things at a time. Before you know it, ta-daaaa..his stuff is gone. Let us know how this goes.

Did Isaac enjoy sewing those dresses? Who knows, we might have a clothes designer in the family (when he is isn't playing for a major league!)

Keep us posted on Maia's piano teacher's husband...I hope it isn't too serious; will be praying for them.

Well, you are doing great; moving; cleaning; running kids; AND still blogging!! Post us some pictures when you have time, you all...Mom