Friday, July 15, 2011

Fast Friends!!

So Maia is changing schools this Fall. So is Asher and Isaac but we're talking about Maia here. Mainly because Asher is going into 1st grade--where I don't imagine it'll be too hard for him to adjust and make new friends. Although we are going to miss our old friends something fierce:( Everyday Asher came home talking about Don, Sean, Tamia, Arooj and Madeleine. I'm going to miss hearing those names. I'm also going to miss some of the parents. Isaac is going into Middle School--where EVERYBODY will be new. Of course there will be lots of kids who already know each other--but I have faith he'll be fine. Certainly he'll run into some of the kids he's played ball with over the years. Or maybe even some kids from his current BS troop. At least I hope so. He does have one good friend who will for sure be a student at the same Middle School. That's very reassuring.

So back to Miss Maia. I think 4th grade would be an especially hard year to change schools. Girls are starting to get clique-ish and maybe even a little mean at this stage. Maia will go from being a well loved, popular student to one who nobody really knows. My heart breaks for her because this will be her 3rd elementary school in her relatively short school career:( Something I NEVER wanted for my kids.

The good news is that she won't be totally amongst strangers. She does know, and is actually pretty close to, another student at her new school. They went to school together at Maia's old school and became friends then. They are in the same Brownie troop and definitely run in the same circles. These girls have been to many sleepovers and birthday parties together. Huge plus because Maia loves this girl:)

There is also another family from our old school that is transitioning into our new school. We adore this family!! Super nice mom and 4 wonderful kids:) They have a son whom Maia has always gotten along really well with. She probably would have told you he was one of her best friends in 1st and 2nd grade!! So we will be seeing them in the halls this year too.

And Maia's beloved 3rd grade teacher Mrs A? Yep...she's transitioning to our new school too!! Maia was beyond super thrilled to hear this bit of news. Well, she actually wasn't thrilled at first because she thought Mrs A would be moving on and that she would be remaining at her old school. That made her really sad. But her frown turned upside down when she learned that they would both be in the same building next year:)

I thought that was a pretty good start as far as Maia knowing a few people at her new school. She has also played volleyball and basketball--kids from her teams could certainly be students at her new school. Not to mention church friends and fellow piano students. But then we got even more super good news!!

There is a little girl that has been in the same Brownie troop as Maia for the last 3 years. Now they don't know each other very well because they have always attended different schools. The majority of our troop is based out of Maia's old school but there have always been 3 girls that attended a different elementary school down the street. It seemed like the girls sort of grouped off with the other girls from their own school so Maia never really had a chance to become close with any of them and vice versa. It turns out that one of these little girls lives down the street from our new home AND has also open enrolled into the same school that Maia has!!! Yay!!! Another familiar face:)

The other little girl's mom and I have been e-mailing back and forth just a bit and she invited Maia over for a playdate yesterday. I have always liked the mom. She doesn't come to all the Girl Scout functions so I have never gotten very close to her. But I have chatted with her several times and I've always thought that she seemed like a very nice lady. And the little girl has always seemed super sweet. They came in to pick Maia up for the playdate and decided to stay for a bit. We had a great conversation!!

They took Maia to a local park, out for ice cream (which was apparently completely covered in sprinkles. must find this ice cream shop) and then back to their house to play. Andy and I went to pick Miss Maia up several hours later. She was having such a great time that she HID when she saw our van driving down the road. She literally ditched the scooter she was riding and took off in the hopes of us leaving her there. Naughty girl:) Anyway, after I got her all rounded up and we were on our way she told us all about her super exciting awesome day. The girl was so excited that she talked non stop the whole rest of the night!!! And when I say non stop I really mean non stop!! She barely took breaths. I was starting to worry she was going to pass out from lack of oxygen. And then this morning?!?! You guessed it...more talk of her new friend and what a great time they had:) Maia was begging me to take her back over today. Like I could just show up on their doorstop and drop her off or something, because I'm sure they would have appreciated THAT:)

So then this afternoon I get this gift of an e-mail in my inbox:

Hi Lori,
I wanted to send you a quick line to say thank you for letting Maia spend time with Sadie yesterday.  I think they had a good time and played well together.  I hope Maia had a good time.  Sadie said she really likes Maia and had fun with her yesterday.
I also wanted to let you know she is always welcome at our house at any time!  Just give us a call, we are usually home.  Also with Sadie being an only child, she does get lonely and tries to find something to do and someone to do something with!  
Lori, you have a very nice and well mannered daughter and it was a pleasure having her at our house!
Donna (insert last name here)
So there you have it. Just like that Maia has a new friend. Easy peasy:) Hoping that when class lists come out she ends up being in class with someone she knows:) But if not? My girl is the queen of making new friends it seems!! I have no doubts that she will be just fine:) 


Anonymous said...

that's awesome!! how comforting to know that maia has friends and is happy where GOD has placed you all.. can't wait to see the new digs.. and to visit too.. still working on a date.. pretty busy here.. as i know you are also.. one of these days!!!

maila said...

Sue? Can't wait to see you!! I still want to have coffee in your gorgeous backyard:)

Tracy @ Hall of Fame Moms said...

That was nice of her to send you an email like that. Hopefully these are good signs of great things to come ;)

maila said...

Thanks Tracy!! I thought it was a lovely e-mail as well. They seem like a very nice family. I'm excited to get to know them better:)

secret sister said...

How wonderful!! I am thrilled that everything is working out so perfectly for your family. School will be starting before too long and it's great that the children will have those special friends.

Hope you all are getting settled in your new home. We will be down eventually to visit with you all and to see your new ya all...Mom