Tuesday, July 12, 2011


This is not my week:) I actually feel bad for my little family having to put up with me. I am crabby, grumpy and prone to temper tantrums right now. Seeing my grandma on Sunday just threw my week into a tailspin.

I was not a nice person to be around yesterday. I have had it with kids not picking up after themselves and half finished projects (remember my table?) by another member of the household. I have a hard time living in chaos and things only half done turn me into a crazy woman. I am sick of being interrupted and of kids ganging up on each other and fighting. I am sick of whining and crying. And most of all...I can't get the image of my grandma out of my mind.

So after a very rough start to our week I vowed to turn it around today. I got up before the kids and spent some extra time in prayer. That usually turns things around for me right away:) Well our furniture was scheduled to be delivered today. I have been waiting a very very long time for new furniture. I have been very patient. Not only did we pick out new furniture for our main level but Andy splurged a bit and bought me a new sectional for the lower level too!! Talk about exciting and just the thing to turn my week around right?

The delivery guys showed up right on time and brought our new sofa and loveseat in. They did have a bit of trouble. I had to open and clear out a path in the garage and they had to take off a door. I could tell they were less than thrilled. As soon as the furniture was in the house I knew I had made the right decision. I LOVE what we picked out for the main level:)

The sectional that was to go into the lower level presented to be a problem. They claimed it wouldn't fit through the doorway. Isaac said he heard them discussing being late for the next delivery and talking about how they wanted to get out of here. Don't get me wrong...I know it wouldn't have been a picnic to get the furniture in. But I think with a little effort they could've managed it. They tried for about 2 minutes then promptly told me they couldn't do it, told me I would have a store credit and then they left. With my sectional in the back of their truck:(

So right after they left I notice 2 things: 1) my loveseat doesn't have it's throw pillows. 2) there is not 1 but 2 stains on the bottom of the loveseat. My patience is seriously running thin by this point:(

And then the icing on the cake. I go to feed Cody, Asher's fish that has really turned into Andy's beloved fish, and find him floating:( That's right..he's dead:( I know the day could get worse. I know that many people have really awful things going on in their lives and that in the big scheme of things my life is totally awesome and my problems are very minor. But darn it all...I'm gonna throw myself a pity party today!!

Andy did go to the furniture store and get a refund on our sectional instead of the store credit that the delivery guys tried to sell me. He also got to the bottom of the missing throw pillows. Kinda. No one seems to know what happened to them? But they will be delivering new ones in the next 6-8 weeks. Which seems like an awful long time to me to straighten out their mistake on a very large (for us) purchase.

Now I'm gonna show my crazy side. I'm not usually a big conspiracy theorist and I usually find the very best in people and take their word as truth. But I'm sort of thinking these delivery guys were mad at us and this is their payback. Andy was initially told that there would be no delivery fee and that the ottoman came free with the sectional. When it came time to make the actual purchase this changed. It turns out the ottoman wasn't free and neither was the delivery. Andy was not pleased as that is not what he was initially told so he talked down the delivery charge to half. I sort of think those guys were mad. Therefore they "couldn't" fit my sectional through the door, "lost" my pillows and stepped on my couch (which should have been in plastic)...causing those stained footprints on the bottom:( Tomorrow I may feel different. I hope I feel different. But today? Today, I think those people kinda stink.


Tracy @ Hall of Fame Moms said...

I feel your pain...hang in there. Tomorrow, things might look and feel better.

maila said...

Thanks Tracy. Tomorrow is a new day:) I will rejoice and be glad in it!! That's the plan anyways:)

secret sister said...

It's a shame all of that "free" stuff wasn't written on you contract...I make salemen etc. WRITE down EVERYTHING they tell me, that way it will turn out to be exactly what they say. Too often, they say one thing and do just the opposite as they did with you. You should write a letter to the company, express your frustration with them and then let them know you will be notifying the Better Business Bureau and that you will tell ALL your friends not to visit their store!! What about the stain? Did they say anything about that?

Aren't you glad you can ask the Lord to help you throughout the day?? Boy! I sure am!! loveya...Mom