Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Sloooooooowwwwwww Down Summer!!!

So this Summer has just been flying by!! Sad but true. I really wish it would sloooooowwwww down:) We have been busy little bees:)

Unpacking is coming along. As long as you don't look in the basement...or....the dreaded garage. Maybe I'll take a picture to share later this week. If anyone that didn't know us saw it they would think we were a bunch of bonafide haorders. I've GOT to get that area cleaned up. It's just that it's been way too HOT to be out there. But we have discovered that several electrical outlets (including all but one(?) in the garage) in the house are not functioning. This needs fixed ASAP but I'm gonna guess the repairman will need access to the garage. In it's current state, he would be lost, drowning in boxes in no time flat. We'd have to send some type of rescue crew out to retrieve him. It's seriously that bad!!

Besides all the moving and unpacking, we have still been getting out and about and enjoying ourselves. Isaac's good friend Mason came to stay for a few days and that was great FUN!!

We went to the shooting range. I was NOT overly excited about being included in this trip. The shooting range is just not my thing. Or at least I didn't *think* it was my thing. But they needed someone to take pictures so there I was:) Andy ended up dragging me in there and making me shoot his pistol. I've shot the rifle before but this pistol business was all new to me. Apparently I did pretty good!! My husband declared his undying love for me and begged me to spend more time at the range with him. Minus the kids:) I'm going to try and oblige him.

After a yummy lunch at City Barbeque we decided to pay a visit to Leatherlips.

 We had more than one raucous sword fights. In public no less. I could see both boys looking around though to see if anyone was watching them. They're definitely getting older. I fear our days of public sword battles are almost over:(
 Of course we had to climb some trees!!
 And visit the river. We were a bit sad that we couldn't go creeking, but poor Mason had a cast on that went clear up to his elbow. No water play for him. It was all good though:) I will say that I didn't realize exactly how many water related activities we do in the Summer until we couldn't actually do them.
 The next day we got up bright and early and went to church. Then we went to the city to visit the main library. Which was great fun to see through Mason's eyes. He was amazed that the library had a parking garage. And that a large homeless population hangs out there to beat the heat. Definitely a culture shock as compared to our hometown! Then we headed to Inniswood for some hiking fun. The kids had lots of fun on the bridge.
Later in the evening we decided to head out for some dessert. Andy really wanted ice cream. Not just any old ice cream but Jeni's ice cream. Which is upscale, gourmet and pricey. Not exactly the place you normally take your kids to on a regualr basis. It's more of a date night ice cream kind of place. Or at least more geared towards adults with refined taste buds. They have a few locations and the lines are always out the door in the Summer months. My kids have eaten Jeni's before and they have liked it. They usually stick to the most basic flavors though. Except Isaac of course. So Mason starts looking over the flavors and I could tell he was unimpressed to say the least:) They had,among so many other things,  peach buttermilk,  reisling poached pear sorbet, salty caramel, rockmill golden ale and apricots, rhubarb and lime cardamom, sweet corn and black raspberries (which I'm totally asking for a sample of on our next visit!) and goat cheese with black cherries. This is just a small sample of their offerings. It's all made right here in our area. By hand:) It's amazingly delicious. But Mason sort of looked like he wanted to puke while glancing over their offerings. Andy had decided on gravel road and Isaac was excited about the black coffee flavor. Mason sort of giggled over the goat cheese and cherries...poor guy looked a little green when I told him that's what I was getting:) I knew right then that we needed an alternative dessert. I gave the kids a choice--Jeni's or Kripsy Kreme. Mason, Maia and Asher chose Krispy Kreme while Isaac went with Jeni's. We all benefitted in the end because we got extra donuts and ate them for breakfast the next morning:)

On Monday  we got up and had a lazy morning. The boys played Lego's and some video games. After lunch we headed off to COSI to meet up with the rest of Mason's family. I am kicking myself for not taking along a camera!! We had a really wonderful time and it was sooooo nice to catch up with my friend:) Maia took to Paige and Claire in a very mother hen sort of way. It was so sweet to see. My girl is definitely future teacher material. After a fun day at the science center we headed to The Spaghetti Warehouse for dinner. Andy couldn't spend the whole day with us because he had to work but he did meet up with us at the restaurant. The Milburn's even made an impromptu trip to our new home!! So much fun to show off our house:) It was filthy and unorganized but I didn't even care. Someone familiar, a friend was stepping foot into our home. Sounds silly but that was important to me. 

I know we only have a month left but we are gonna make the most of the rest of our Summer break:) The kids are very excited to spend some time with their Noni and Paw Paw. We still have birthday parties and pool dates to look forward to. Isaac's Summer Bible study is still going strong. Shark week is coming up. And I just got word that the Thomas clan will be coming and spending a few nights!!!!! Now that is something to look forward to!!!

As I go to bed tonight I am thankful for my Saviour, my most awesome husband, fabulous children, family that loves us and good friends who enjoy getting together:) I have a very good life!!


secret sister said...

good to see you back!!! sounds like you have had a fun-filled albeit crazy few weeks!! but , i envy all the wonderful things you all are doing.. i love the outdoors..
i am so excited for you.. all these wonderful friends and family coming to visit! yeahhhhhhhhhhhh!!!
loveya, sue

secret sister said...

Wow!!! Have you been busy, or what??? If you were able to move to another house and still cram all of this excitement in, I can only imagine what you will do in the next 4 weeks before school starts...sounds like you all have been having so much fun! Thanks for the pictures; I enjoyed seeing them. I am looking forward to seeing what all you will be doing before school starts...keep us posted!! Love ya...Mom