Monday, July 11, 2011

Heading back to normal!!

Or at least as normal as we get:) We are heading into our 4th week in our new home and this week promises to bring at least some semblance of our regular normal with it.

Our 1st week here we were still trying to get our rental house all cleaned out and in order for the new tenants. Our 2nd week here we were not only trying to finish up the rental house (took much longer than we had anticipated) but also had a very busy week with Girl Scout camp and baseball games!! Our 3rd week here had Andy off of work. I LOVE having my husband home with us--but it DOES throw us all off of schedule:)  BIG TIME!! We did accomplish a lot last week despite having Andy home though:) We were finally able to start putting our new home together. The upstairs and the main level are both clean and unpacked!! That was an enormous accomplishment! Especially the main level. We also picked out some new furniture, of which we are all anxiously awaiting delivery day. I took the kids swimming a couple of times and Andy took them to the movies.

This weekend we had ball games and a very quick, impromptu trip to see my grandma. The ball games were awesome!! It was Asher's last game of the season and Isaac's 1st tournament game. Asher was a bit sad to see his season ending. Isaac was thrilled because his team won their 1st tourney game:) Which means we are playing for gold throughout the rest of the tournament:) Very exciting stuff right there!!

I'll expound more on my grandma later. It was a bad experience and I'm not quite ready to share. Just need lots of prayers in this area.

So this morning Andy headed off to work for the 1st time in 9 days. The kids and I have nowhere pressing to go. I DO have a house that still needs put together. Today we are working on the lower level and the basement area. Hoping to get a lot accomplished before Andy makes it home from work. Wouldn't that be a great surprise for him?!?! A home cooked dinner eaten at our dining room table in a (mostly) clean house? Andy will be super impressed!! Just don't ask me about the garage...that's a whole nother story that I'm not quite ready to take on just yet:)


secret sister said...

Wow! It sounds like you have accomplished alot! I can't wait to come down and see you all and visit. I bet the kids love their new home. How was your first real cooked meal in your new house? You will have to keep us posted on the, who actually cleaned it? LOL When you have time, post us some ya, Mom

maila said...

Our first home cooked meal was delicious!!! good!! It was a new recipe and we all loved it:) I hope to get some pictures up soon!!

Love you:)