Friday, August 5, 2011

The Hood!!

We've had a very busy week. Sitting around doing a whole lot of nothing:) We have ALL been beyond lazy--you might even go so far as to say we've been slothlike!

The kids were supposed to go to my parents on Sunday night. I didn't plan anything fun for us to do because I really didn't think they would be here. I mean their first trip there was cancelled due to illness...certainly things would work out on the second try. Except maybe not...turns out my dad was hit by a truck late Saturday night. Craziness right? He's fine but still recovering. So I got to keep my kiddo's home with me and we sat around like sloths:) Mainly because it was so hot. But also because I was starting to worry about our hood:)

One of Maia's friend's parents told me how they are looking for a house "more North". More North is definitely nicer. I'd like to live there too:) Trust me we looked over that way!! Then we decided we liked the little things in feeding our children!! So we started looking in our current neighborhood. We found a nice house in a nice neighborhood that we could afford. Not the perfect for us neighborhood, but a nice one. Our lender would've given us enough money to buy a house in the more desirable part of town, but we know our limits. It would be awesome to live over that way but we value things like...oh I don't know...the neccessities:) So anyway this lady keeps going on and on about how this neighborhood is bad and it's being infiltrated. Infiltrated by what I'm not sure? She's a nice lady and I understand that she's having problems with her specific Cul de Sac, which is not really near our street. But I still internalized what she was saying and let it affect me:( This is a real weakness of mine.

So all week long I have been stressing out that we bought a house in the worst hood in all of Columbus!! I have had nightmares and panic attacks thinking that we made the worst decision of our lives. I'm a little over dramatic sometimes if you haven't noticed:). SO tonight Andy thought it would be a good idea if we took the dogs out for a walk and explored our new area just a bit. I just knew we were going to see gangs and drug dealers on every corner. I mean really--my brain conjured up all sorts of awful scenarios that we would encouter on this outing!! Gun toting thugs were for sure out to get us. It turns out that we DID see gangs!! Gangs of runners, joggers, dog walkers and families out with their kids. For real?!?!?! We live in a nice neighborhood and I need to quit letting what others think cloud my vision:) It's an ongoing lesson with me I tell ya:) I'm a work in progress.

While we were out walking Asher smelled something yummy and told us that people were "steaking"!! It took me a few seconds to figure out that he meant grilling:) I love all of  Asher's "isms"!!

The only other productive things we did this week were take the dogs to the vet and put together our new trampoline. Andy declared that our old trampoline was too much to take apart and move so we left it behind for the new tenants. It was really starting to show wear and tear so I let it go. Aunt Jackie was kind enough to send us a new one!! And the new BIGGER than the old one!! I don't know how that's possible considering the old one was a gigantic monster but she managed to find an even bigger one this time around. It's SUPER sized:)

Here's Isaac testing it out.

Flying through the air UPSIDE DOWN. Talk about no fear.
Miss Maia and her big TaDa. Somehow I missed her flip. It would probably help if I took the pictures in the daylight:) And yes she is see through her. Don't ask me how I did that because I have no idea!! I seem to have a special talent for it thought as this isn't the first time I've made one of my children see through.
Asher Photo Bombing us!! He is such a ham:) I didn't realize quite how high he could flip until tonight.

Hopefully we'll be a bit more productive the rest of this week and through the weekend. We have company coming to stay with us so I need to get busy to make sure everything is ready for them!


secret sister said...

Now that trampoline looks pretty cool...bong, bong, bong. I hope the kids get alot of enjoyment from it. Are they looking forward to school starting? Are they getting "nervous"? I know it can be hard starting at a new school, but at least they are starting at the beginning of the school year and there might be alot of other new students.

Do you still have school stuff to buy? all their supplies? What about clothes? That is a challenge, isn't it?..especially when you take a girl shopping! Tell the kids we said "hello" and we love them. Love you all, Mom

Tracy @ Hall of Fame Moms said...

Asher looks sweaty! This heat has been something, hasn't it? Thank the Lord for a/c. I hope fall is really nice this year...

maila said...

Asher was pretty sweaty!! It has been so HOT here. I have a garage full of boxes that still need unpacked and organized but it's just too hot to spend any significant amount of time out there. I figure I'll get to it sooner or later:)Also, the mosquitos have been unbearable:( Isaac has had several infected bites that he's needed antibiotics for.
None of us are ready for school to start. I hate sending my kids off to school. I much prefer keeping them home with me. I haven't bought them a single thing for school yet. Money has been tight around here:( Our bills doubled up since we were in between house for an entire month. Stinks!!
None of them seem especially nervouse about starting new schools. I think I am more nervous than they are. Maia knows at least 3 students and 1 teacher at her new school so that helps. Asher knows one other student and I think he's young enough to not really think about not making friends. Isaac insists he's okay with switching now. Says he wants to make a clean start and meet new people. He will know a few boys at his new school from scouts and baal so that helps. The thought of Middle School makes me want to puke:) I wish I was kidding. I have NO qualms whatsoever about pulling any and/or all of the kids out and homeschooling them though:)
And yes, they LOVE the tramp:) This one has springs instead of straps so it is SUPER bouncy:) It always amazes me to see them twisting and flipping through the air!