Friday, August 5, 2011

Getting stuff done...

Today we finally got moving and got some errands done!! Yay us:) Maia had an eye appointment bright and early this morning. Her prescription changed just a bit, but other than that she has great overall eye health!! The tech pulled about 20 pairs of glasses for Miss Maia to try on but in the end she picked the same exact style she has now. She knew exactly what she wanted I guess. It was hard not to sway her towards this awesome green pair the tech had hand picked for her, but in the end I let it be her decision. And hey!! Whadya know? Our "free" glasses ONLY cost us $87.00 this time around!! Even though I was smart enough to forego the extra testing that our insurance doesn't pay for, I still had to pay out of pocket:( Part of it is my own fault though because we do get Maia the transition lenses, which aren't covered by our insurance. Our Dr. really stresses the transitions though as they block out harmful rays. And you know...I can't imagine NOT wearing sunglasses when it's bright out so I'm not going to make my child do it either.

Then we headed over to the Middle School Isaac was originally slated to attend so that we could get his records moved to his new school. I felt weird allowing them to make a copy of our electric bill but that's how we had to prove residency. It just felt odd leaving strangers with quite that much info about us. So it's official...Isaac is now enrolled into a Middle School where he knows virtually no one except one or two other boys. I do feel sad for him but I also feel strongly that this was the right decision. It's a good school. When I chatted about it with him today he said that he's excited to make a new start and meet new people. He still enjoys hanging out with all of his other friends, but really, you can never have too many friends right? For as much of a homebody as he is he is also pretty outgoing. I don't think he'll have a problem making new friends at all:)

We threw a couple of other errands in the mix and then we headed to the store to pick up some supper stuff. 3 kids in a store of free samples is always super fun:) NOT!! I swear my kids think they need to eat their body weight's worth of samples:) I have to drag them away kicking and screaming from the fancy cheeses. And let's not even get started on the bread!!

While we were there we ran into Maia's 2nd grade teacher, who actually now teaches 1st grade and whom I was  REALLY hoping Asher would get this coming school year. She is young, sweet, super nurturing and full of energy. But of course we are switching schools and I will now know NOTHING about any of the teachers my kids get:( I just need to keep praying that they all get the very best teachers for them. I'm sure God has a plan and He will work it all out,  but yet it's still a source of worry for me. Who doesn't want the very best for their babies? Speaking of my babies...I am off to spend some time with them:)