Sunday, February 5, 2012

Put Ups

My kids all get wonderful grades and I am super proud of them for working so hard towards those goals. It's important to do and be your very best. I feel like the effort they put towards learning and school work has the potential to give them a better life later down the road. And what parent doesn't want that for their kids? But, it's not the number one thing we emphasize in our home. 

Maia and Asher's guidance counselor is awesome. All the kids adore her and I think all the parents do too. She emphasizes "put ups" instead of put downs. Clever right? I thought so:) She went into Maia's classroom last week and asked the students to write down a "put up" for each classmate. Here's what some of Maia's classmates wrote about her:

Lane: You are always friendly in school.

Ella: You're always a good sport and are really great at sports.

Sam: You are not afraid to be yourself.

Molly: You're very nice.

Sariah: You are a natural born leader and are great at cartwheels.

Gabby: You are such a good friend and so funny!!

Juliana: You are a good friend. You don't get mad easily.

Joseph: You always start good chains and give put ups.

John: You love to laugh when I tell jokes.

Allison: You are just so good at making friends. You love to share and are good at raising your hand.

Liddie: You always make me smile and are very kind!

Ian: You are very confidant and a good sportsman.

Khasim: You have very good compliments. 

Beckham: You are funny and you don't get angry

Isabel: I love how good of a funny friend you are. I have so many put ups for you I can't fit them all on the paper. 

Seth: You are a really nice person. You almost never tell put downs. 

Rayyan: You are a good writer. 

Maddy: You start good chains and you are a great at giving book recommendations!

James: You always give put ups and never give put downs. 

Kurt: You're so nice and not selfish.

Michael: You are never mean or selfish

Miss H. (Guidance Counselor): You always want to do the right thing and I am so glad you came here. I think you are honest and kind. 

Okay, so I lied:) I couldn't pick just a few to share so I shared what everyone in the class wrote about my sweet girl!!While I am proud of her grades, THIS is what I am most proud of. The awesome person that she is. Her desire to be Christlike:) That's what we emphasize in our home and I am so glad to know that she puts those teachings to practice even when she isn't with us. I am so thrilled that she is a blessing to her classmates and her teachers!! It does my heart good!!

Just a little side note-- Good chains would be like pay it forwards:)


secret sister said...

It sounds as if Maia has many friends or many kids that look up to her. We are proud of Isaac, Maia and Asher's grades and are so happy they are doing so well in school and sports. Please let me them know how proud we are of them.

Thank you for sharing with us; it's always great to see what all the grandchildren are doing and how they are doing in school. Tell them to keep up the great work!

maila said...

You know what's funny? The other day Maia lamented that she wasn't popular anymore now that she's switched schools:) LOL. That girl is crazy!! She has friends calling this house every weekend wanting to spend time with her:) I must have looked at her like she was crazy after she said that. I get what she means though...she really was well loved in her old school. By students, teachers and parents alike. While she is making friends at her new school, she's not quite as established as she was at the old school. And her closest friends? Come straight from her Girl Scout troop. And of course Bri, our old neighbor. Her friends are scattered throughout several different elementary schools instead of just all being concentrated within the same school:)

I will make sure to tell the kids that you and dad are proud of them:)