Sunday, February 5, 2012

Busy, Busy and more Busy!!

Title says it all. Things have just been really busy around here. Sometimes I feel like we go go go nonstop. We have friends that are even more busy than we are. I don't know how they do it. 

So I went to that ladies retreat that I talked about in my last post. Sort of. I went to the first evening of it anyway. It was nice and I am glad I went. I don't consider it a waste of money even though I didn't stay for the whole thing.  I didn't make any new friends as I don't even think that's possible to do in just a few short hours. But, I did have some great fellowship and lots of fun playing games. I probably would have gotten more out of the retreat if I had stayed, but I just couldn't bring myself to sleep in a full size bed with a stranger. I have personal space issues:).

Asher's Pinewood Derby went ok. He came in 3rd for a few of the races speed wise. I guess there was a mishap on the way to the derby that caused the derby car to go sailing through the air and hit our real car's dashboard. Hard. This messed up the balance of the derby car's wheels--which just so happens to be a critical factor for the speed of the car. Maybe next year:) Asher wasn't too upset because daddy bought him an overload of baked goods to make up for his disappointment. Baked goods always makes things better:)

Maia's basketball season is going very well. They have won 3 games and lost 2. I LOVE Upward sports:) 

This past week we have also been I mean selling the Girl Scout cookies :). I was also in charge of Maia's Girl Scout troop earning their Simple Meals badge. That was fun!! 10 girls in my kitchen learning to cook!! Talk about chaos. It went really well though!! We made yogurt parfaits, cinnamon french toast with blueberry sauce, individual pizzas and cake in a cup. Everything turned out pretty yummy. Except maybe the pizzas. I ended up throwing away about half of the pizzas:(

I FINALLY put curtains up:) I don't love them though. SSShhhh, don't tell Andy, I am currently looking for new, new curtains:) I just want something with some more color than what we've got up now. I think I'm gonna make a trip to World Market this week to see what they have. 

Time Warner came to our door last week and offered us a pretty sweet deal for switching our cable and internet over to them. We were thrilled because we have missed Time Warner's services ever since we switched providers  to AT&T last year at this time. We ended up hating AT&T and switched to WOW when we moved into our new home. WOW was okay but I am super thrilled to have Time Warner again. They came over on Thursday and got us all set up with our new services:)

Today Asher is at a birthday party for his little friend Elizabeth. Asher really really really likes Elizabeth. He blushes when he talks about her:) That kid is gonna be trouble when it comes to the ladies:) I was helping in the classroom a few months ago and a group of students told me how much my little guy likes Miss Elizabeth. Sigh...Trouble with a capital T. 

I finished my 4th and 5th books for the year. 

My 4th book was called Christmas in Sugarcreek. Yes, I know Christmas is done and over:) I  just couldn't help myself from picking this book up at the library though's about Sugarcreek:) I wasn't really all that impressed with the book. It certainly could have been worse but character development was seriously lacking. I guess there is a whole series about Sugarcreek and this book was just a spin off of it. It was fun knowing the exact locations that the author wove into the story. But other than that? Not a very exciting read. 

My 5th book was called Delivered With Love. This book was awful. I had to really push myself through the whole thing. I should have given up but the story itself was interesting and had real potential. The writing itself was really awful though!! 

We are gearing up for the Superbowl tonight. None of us could care less about football, but we all like a party so why not right?!?!?! I am headed out to get snacks:)


secret sister said...

Well, poor Asher's car..LOL...I am happy the baked goodies helped him feel "all better"; Andy is a good dad!

Did you enjoy your Super Bowl party?..LOL...Pat had wings and fries; I had a bowl of cereal and Victoria had a ham and cheese sandwich; oh, and Sapphire had a Nutella sandwich. What a combination for all of us..WOW!

Your books don't sound too interesting, but thanks for sharing. I read all of your book reviews and if something sounds exciting, I look it up; if you didn't sound very impressed, I always pass on them so thanks for sharing! Love ya all....Mom

maila said...

Yeah...I would probably skip these books. You might like the first one, about Sugarcreek. Maybe the series is good but that particular book was just written quickly so it stunk? Or maybe if I had read the other books in the series then I would have liked this one more? But that 2nd book was downright awful!! The story could have been so good so it's a shame that the whole thing turned out so hideous. It's about a girl who's mother dies and she finds an old love letter in the mother's car. She goes out seeking the man who wrote the letter. It really could have been great...but it was awful instead. I mean really really awful. Did I mention it was awful? It was a Nook freebie and those are always hit or miss.

If you're looking for a book suggestion, I think you should pick up a series by Francine Rivers. It's the Marta's Legacy series and it is FANTASTIC!! The first book in the series starts off a little slow but it soooo worth it to hang in there with the book. The 2nd book was phenomenal. Honestly. It's just such a great series. The 1st book is titled Her Mother's Hope and the 2nd book is Her Daughter's Dream. These books are even worth buying in my opinion. They were that amazing:)I think I will read them again this year!!

Sounds like you had a fun Superbowl party!! We ended up eating chicken parmesan and some chips and queso. We kept it simple. It just got too late and we were too busy trying to get everything ready to go for our Monday morning madness! Sapphire's Nutella sandwich sounds much much better than anything we ate:) I could eat that stuff off the spoon!!

And Andy is a fabulous dad!! I think God for him everyday:)