Monday, February 20, 2012

Books Number 6 & 7

I finally finished books number 6 & 7!!!

Book number 6 was The Kitchen House. This book was recommended to me last year but I had a really hard time getting into it for some reason. Life got in the way and I ended up returning it to the library before I had even made it through the first chapter. It was recommended to me again a few weeks ago so I decided to give it another try. I was told that if I liked The Help, then I would LOVE the Kitchen House. After reading both books, I'm not so sure that's accurate. They are both about race relations, but that's where the similarities end in my opinion. The books are set in very different time periods, and while one was more lighthearted, the other was very heavy and pretty dark. 

I adored The Help!! I was sucked in from the very first page. I thought it was funny and poignant although not exactly accurate from an historical standpoint. For me, The Kitchen House felt dreary. There were some wonderful moments for sure, but for the most part, the book was about some very tough to deal with issues. And nothing ever really felt like it was going to get better for the main characters. I felt sad for them throughout the entire book. I really think this book is more accurate in it's portrayal of what went on between slaves and their owners than other books I have read in the past. It showed the not so bad (none of it's good, right?) and then also the monstrous side of a nasty nasty time in America. I was emotionally spent by the time I made it to the last page. I had to read really fast through some parts and even skim a few other parts. There are certain places that I just won't let my mind go. Even though it was a hard read, and I can't really say I enjoyed the book, I did LOVE the characters!!! Well, most of them anyway:) I loved who they were and their point of view. I am still thinking about them a week after I finished reading their story. I learned a lot from them. That's the sign of a great book for me!! I thought the words flowed nicely from the author and I came away thinking about who I am and where I'm going. Again, signs of a great book!!

Book number 7 was just okay. A Promise to Remember by Kathryn Cushman. It had been sitting on my nightstand for a crazy long time and I was getting worried that it was long past overdue. Which wouldn't be a first in this house!! Anyway, I picked it up and started reading with full intentions of finishing it in one day, which wasn't too hard because it was a sweet story. The story centered around 2 women whose sons were involved in a fatal car crash. One woman's son was responsible for the crash that took both boy's lives. One woman had a lot of money, the other didn't. They both needed to find God, forgiveness, anger and healing. Something about the book seemed kind of sort of familiar from the very start. About 150 pages in I realized that was because I had read the book before:) But I didn't remember the characters, plot or the ending. I just had glimpses of recall during certain scenes. That's why I rated the book as just okay. It wasn't a bad book. But, it obviously didn't leave a lasting impression on me. I think a lot of people would probably like the book. It might even be life changing for some. Just not me:)