Tuesday, June 5, 2012

The End is Here!!!

The end of the 2012 school year that is. School ended last Thursday. I think I was even more excited than the kids to be done with this year. Not that it was a bad year, I just like having my kids home!! I like lazy days and I love being in charge of my schedule, instead of my schedule being in charge of me.

Isaac had a wonderful first year of Middle School. He made some new friends and developed some new interests. He loves cello and orchestra. It seems to be a good group for him to hang out with. His teacher was kind and very encouraging. She even had some lovely things to say about him in his yearbook. His other teachers sang his praises too, but her words seemed more sincere. I know that Isaac really developed a bond with her over the year and he will be continuing on in cello next year.

Some highlights of his year were being nominated for a Super Shamrock award and earning a Page award. The Super Shamrock award is given out by teachers or other Sells staff that catches a child being helpful or making good decisions.  The Page award was for the excellent grades he maintained throughout the year. I am so proud of Isaac's personal and academic achievements this year. Here's what a few of his teachers wrote in his yearbook:

"Isaac, I hope I taught you as much as you taught me this year. Mrs. C"

"Isaac, I enjoy how you think outside the box and so clearly articulate your ideas!!! And, I love your positive attitude!!! <3 Ms. W. "  The funniest part about this is that Isaac and this teacher clashed all year long:) Isaac really did not care for her and he thought she hated him!

"Isaac, I'll miss your laugh next year--You're the only one who liked my my jokes :). Keep working hard!! Mrs. G"

"Isaac, You have been a great addition to Sells! Have a great Summer:) Ms. R" . This was from his favorite teacher!! Short and to the point:)

Maia also had a wonderful year!! She transitioned so well into her new school. I even had a special ed teacher stop me in the hall one day to tell me how much she loved Miss Maia. She said that she couldn't believe how easily Maia fit in and it just felt like she had always been there. What a wonderful compliment!! Maia earned excellent grades all through the year and made some wonderful new friends. She has also decided that she loves poetry. Her teacher wrote on her final report card:

"Maia is a cooperative student who is polite to others. She is able to work in a variety of situations with many other students. It has been a pleasure to watch Maia mature this year. Her listening skills and attention to details are traits that help her be successful in school. It is a pleasure having her in class."

Maia's teacher is very proper and quiet. I think for her to have said so many wonderful things really reflects what a great impression Maia made on her this year. Maia finished the year out with all "A's" and AC's.

And last but not least, Asher!! He had a wonderful year too!!! He did not get anything lower than an AC this entire year!!! He could not have done any better. His teacher AND all of his classmates adored him:) He once told me that he doesn't have just one best friend because he's best friends with every single person in his class. He seemed to spend the most time with Elizabeth, Vibhav, Grayson, Charlie, Trevor and Caleb. His speech has come a long long way since the beginning of the year too. And his reading has improved dramatically!!

I'm so proud of all 3 kids!! They all earned excellent grades and miraculously, all managed to behave themselves all year long:) And now we all get to relax for a few months before the craziness starts again.


Anonymous said...

It sounds like they all had a wonderful school year and the teachers really enjoyed having them as students. I hope you all have a wonderful summer; before you know it, it will be time to be hitting those books again! I love you all....Mom