Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Books 13, 14 and 15.

I have been so far behind on just about everything lately. Including my blogging and reading. 

Book 13 was "Come a Little Closer". This book was so so so bad that the only thing I wanted to get closer to was the end of the book. I can't believe that I even finished this epic fail of a book. But I did finish it, so it counts as book number 13 for the year.

Book number 14 was sent to lent to me by a friend via her Kindle. It was "Whale Song". The book was good. I get the feeling that it's one of those books I was supposed to read in Middle School but never did. It was a coming of age type of tale and definitely gave me some food for thought.

Book number 15 was called "Grace". It was a good book. It explored family relationships and bullying in particular. The main character was a 13yo boy. That part was somewhat interesting to me as I happen to have an almost 13yo boy. The book was really sad though and my heart ached for the boy. Although good, this isn't a book I would read again or maybe even recommend to others.