Friday, March 30, 2012

Spring Break

Spring is really kicking into gear around here. The kids had a fantastic Spring Break!!! The weather was gorgeous and we had so much fun hanging out together that I didn't want to send them back to school the following Monday. I have decided that I am much much happier when my kiddos are home with me:) Anytime they are home for an extended period my depression lifts and joy abounds. 

We went to t-county for the day on Thursday. We had some serious GS cookies to deliver!! It was very nice to catch up with family. We had a lovely lunch with Aunt Jackie and Grandpa Tim at Red Lobster. It always amazes me how much my kids have grown whenever we go out to eat. They were so polite and well mannered. Isaac was witty and did a great job carrying on a conversation with our waiter. Asher shocked Aunt Jackie and my dad both with his reading skills. I think sometimes people think my kids are suspended in time at the ages and maturity levels that they were when we first moved. The truth is they have grown up so much!! I miss their younger selves like crazy but at the same time I am so proud of the people that they are becoming. And I must admit that this lunch was so much nicer than lunches past with Aunt Jackie. I didn't have to cut anybody's food up, chase anyone around a table or deal with any tantrums like times past. It was just a nice peaceful meal. No stress at all. I know my kids impressed their great aunt and their grandpa:)

We also spent a few hours at the Dover (baseball) park with Sue, Noah and Rees. That was a wonderful, much needed time for me. I miss hanging out with friends!! I got some much needed girl talk in and I got to spend some time with my wonderful nephews:) I can't believe what young men they have become!! And so handsome!! My kids aren't the only ones growing up. Noah and Rees were both polite and funny:) It was just altogether a great evening!! We spent so many years playing baseball there. It just all brought back some wonderful memories for me and I'm sure Isaac too. 

And then we spent a few hours at Grandma Ruth's house. Aunt Cathy was in town visiting so seeing her was an added bonus. There is just something wonderful about going to Grandpa Bud's and Grandma Ruth's. As soon as I walk in the back door I always feel like I'm home. And their house always always always smells the same:) There is something extremely comforting in that. The kids were thrilled to find the fridge full of Pepsi and the cookie jar full of E.L Fudge cookies. They were in Heaven:)

The drive home was not as great:( I didn't even leave town until around 11pm. I debated  if we should make the drive at all because I knew we wouldn't make it home until after 1am. But we all sort of decided that it was important to us that we wake up in our own beds. About halfway into the drive exhaustion took over. The kids did a good job being chatty so that's what kept me awake for the long haul. I don't think I was ever so excited to pull up into our driveway as I was that night. 

With Spring here we are getting ready to enter baseball season. Both boys, especially Isaac, are ready to swing a bat!! Nothing makes that boy happier. They are both anxiously awaiting calls from their coaches!! Baseball season means lots and lots of running for this mama. Between both boys, we will probably have  practice at least 4-5 times a week and probably 3 games, sometimes even 4 a week. Things are about to get crazy around here:) I think I'm up for the challenge though!! 

Other things we did during the week included a GS trip to the zoo for Maia. She got to study animal habitats and even get up close and personal with a few zoo residents. The star turtle and the lizard were fun and exciting. The possum? Not so much!! That thing showed all 50 of it's nasty little teeth and hissed at me like it wanted to come in for the kill. I was so glad to see that nasty thing locked back up in it's crate. Maia had Claire, Morgan and Brianna all over at some point. 

Isaac had a Boy Scout merit badge thingy on the first Saturday but other than that he just chilled. Him and Asher built castles, played LOTRO and made some stop motion films. It was all just very low key and relaxed. The weather was nice enough that they all played outside quite a bit. We all needed it:) 

And now? I'm looking forward to spending a fabulous weekend with my little clan:) Andy doesn't work this Saturday and I can't wait to spend some time hanging out!!