Friday, March 30, 2012

Books 10 & 11

So book number 10 was "The Paris Wife". I picked this book up because I liked the cover. I wish I could say it was because I was excited to learn about Hemingway or maybe even Paris--But no, it was simply the cover that drew me in. Yes, I am that shallow.

I loved this book from the start. I'm gonna be honest here and admit that I didn't know one single thing about Ernest Hemingway before starting this book. The book was about his first marriage and their time in Paris. By the end of the book I loathed Ernest Hemingway and was completely fascinated by the 1920's and the so called "Lost Generation". And by fascinated I mean obsessed:) I wiki'd just about every "star" from that time period. I even researched their children. 

I think I was so enthralled for 2 reasons 1) my great grandparents would have been coming of age right around this same time period. I liked reading about what was going on in the world when they were young. It gave me a connection to them that I can't explain. And 2) We always think of the past as so much better than the current. We idealize it in some ways. At least I know I do. I think of past times as more simple, moral and family focused. After reading this book and doing hours upon hours of research, I now know that's not really true. This particular generation had access to lots of drugs, dealt with alcoholism and abounded in sexual sin--just like today. It may not have been as widespread, but it was out there. 

Did I mention that by the end of the book I thought Hemingway was a scumbag and that I wanted to kick him in the teeth? No? Because that is exactly how I felt. American icon, genius, literary great, whatever you want to call him, doesn't change the fact that he was a womanizing idiot. Not a lot to respect and admire in that. 

My 11th book of the year was "The Art of Racing in the Rain". Again, I really enjoyed this book!! It was the first book of the year that brought tears to my eyes:) The story is told through a dog's vantage point. His owner and best friend goes through many many trials and tribulations, Enzo the dog is always by his side. At times Enzo has great insight into human relationships. Lots of fun little tidbits that made me think deeper. Now, Enzo does think that when he dies he will come back as a man. That was a key point to the story and a point that obviously I strongly disagree with:) But, the book is fiction so I could get passed that. The book kept my interest through the whole thing. It kept me rooting for the main character all the way through. And it made me miss my Shiloh even more than I already do. I think it may have even made me a little more empathetic towards Willow. Which is saying a lot because normally Willow just gets on my nerves:)